Speaking of Railcars: firstly, I'm excited to do a piece on these guys, really amazing and talented group of artists. Look for their musical genius on their myspace, they're a band up in SF. For now, I'll say not much but expect more info on them soon as we get things rollin'.
Speaking of humid weather: what the fack SD? What is this? This isn't the swamp lands. Do you see any alligators? Na. Naaaaaw. Get with it SD its June, drop it like it's hot.
Today was uneventful, hung out with some friends before their stop motion showcase at 5:30. Forever will my butt tacked to a bus seat be a symbol of my poverty! Agh but, transit isn't so bad. I actually like the fact that I'm not blowing ridiculous sums of money toward 4 dollar a gallon gas prices. FOUR dollars! I'm sure the
Europeans are getting off to this with their almost 9 dollar a gallon gas stations. I'm not one to complain. It isn't affecting me, except when you get on a bus you feel like your about to be deported to TJ, it can be so third world when people start pushing and cramming and yelling by the time the rush hour hits. Always an adventure. 
I'm not surprised by this recession, I'll talk generally with you, as a member of the honorary The Recession Has Impacted Me Club. After losing your home, you'd be amazed to see how many other things in your life fall out of place. Hey maybe if Obama makes it against the epic battle of presidency we'll get some change around here. Recession+Obama=Change? CHANGE? Change. Change. Uhm...hey man...what kinda change? Loose change? Pocket change? How many licks does it take to get to the center of obama's changesicle?
The world may never know.
Imagine, a career in graphic design. Platt College. Apply Today. That commercial inspired my nine-year-old brother to want to be a graphic artist, and attend Platt College. Just thought I'd throw that out there.
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