Friday, June 20, 2008

Jehovas Fitness

Last night mi comrades and I bussed it over to the Che to see their good friend from Jehovas Fitness, which is usually a solo project with the main guy Danny just with his hands, voice, and a guitar but that night he had his friends from his other band Doctor Bird there to play a good show. I'm really glad I went last night, their music made me really happy and I felt great being there. After everything I've been going through it felt so amazing to just be there in that moment and feel good. Danny, and my friend Adam are having a show tonight if your interested in checking them out they are all amazing people with big hearts. Besides Adam and Doctor Bird (Jehovas Fittness) I hadn't really discovered these other two performers untill recently I have all thier links below check em out!

(Juan is excited to see him and to know someone that he sees everyday i.e. Adam! who could say that they performed with Paul Baribeau)

Here's some pics from last night of Jehova Fitness (Technically Dr. Bird<3):
I love Adam's face in this one haha

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