Thursday, June 25, 2009
please continue your relationship with me here at
Sunday, June 14, 2009
High Speed Railway (New York Times Report)
I myself am an advocate for alternative transport-- and do not own a car, even though at times I'd seek it much more convenient. Here in SD, it’s hard to be totally stoked about MTS because of all the waiting and potential social "danger" that one must endure/ accept as an honorary frequent rider. I constantly find myself thankful that there is a transit system in SD, rather than thinking why isn't MTS changing? I think this has been the mentality of many riders here in SD and perhaps within the southern Californian areas, because we know that just north of here cities like LA & SF have us beat on the efficiency and comfortably scale by ten fold. Perhaps this transit "intimidation" in a sense is what seems to lead the local SD transit commuters into a lull about speaking out about the changing needs of the system.
I support Obama's prop 1a, but I don't like how he’s been reviewed by several left-wing writers as being simply "jealous" of transiting competitors such as high speed railways in Japan and countries throughout Europe. This is a serious controversy, and shouldn’t be embellished as some jealous adversary in a Sharper Image store wanting the newest thing. I have said before, there are many people stuck between talking and doing, and for once I am proud to say that someone in the big W house is taking a communal stand, for the eco minded and sustainable cause.
I have much concern for the building of this high speed railway. Such as subjects pertaining to the ecological standpoint (the impact on the environment and natural niches which dwell in these personal habitats). Yes, this railway will benefit the movement of human life from point A to point B in convenience as well as resources, but there is still much to question and map out as far as railroad placement. This will be one of the most important issues factored within this mega project--to not damage or obstruct in any major way the natural cycles of wildlife as well as essential plant life. As much as my inner-industrialist mind is supporting this--I have a "circle of life" conscious that cannot stop screaming on my right shoulder.
Another concern I was conjuring was the already common thought that the billions of dollars planned to fund this railway (which is first planned to run from LA to SF, and then in later developments stretch as far south as SD and as far north to Sacramento) is taking a GIANT step towards a single project. Yeah, I hear go big or go home, BUT, I personally think that if each city were budged parts of this funding that the area of focus could significantly improve the mini transit systems of each community. Including bus, commuter light rails and commuter trains such as the Coaster, Sprinter, & Metrolink. This sort of distributed funding could essentially solve or improve the pre-existing flaws found in local transiting systems, as well as up the efficiency and cohesive flow with linking cities--even connecting these cities on a more intricate scale.
Just some thoughts.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Old Toy Trains
I'm really in love with this act Old Toy Trains, there sound is very mature. There's a lot of experimental/ psychedelic out there going for that "I'm different, can't you tell" feel, and that is not at all what I get from this band. Please enjoy them as much as I do. Somewhere in there I get a Vivi Voce idea. They sort of remind me of them, but then again I hate comparing bands because they are both so unique.
Anyhow, I've been pretty distraught lately. The death of a friend of mine, has really left my mind in a state of discontent--and somehow I have let it amplify other areas of problematic concern found within my life.
He was so genuine, there just aren't enough of people like him in this world.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
SD IndieFest VI 2010
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Things Moving Quickly
Currently Listening to Radicalfashion ^ worrying my head away so much is going on in my life. I'm about to start at UT (Union Tribune), I have found a sound engineering internship with George Varga (Music Head @UT) for his weekly webcast called "Fill In the Blank", a music talk radio-hosted by AmplifySD on their website made to introduce local talent to San Diego. That's the biggest thing going for me since I'm in my last week of school here and about to graduate--n grow up like a big kid now. Also have to worry about moving, which is happening for my family now & for me this August in with a good friend of mine.
I'll be going to City and we'll see what comes of that--I've heard nothing but good things when it comes to their radio classes and graphic design dep.
Girl Talk played at UCSD Fri the 15th at their yearly Sun God Festival, (which my friends and I missed just by a thread! By the time we got in there he was already done!! :[ ) Although another act which i cant remember the name right now I think it was something by the name DVC, After checking the set list they actually were sort of the filler act with over what seemed to be 12+ djs all trading laptop/ mixer times. They were pretty fresh especially when they incorporated some live violin within the mixes. It was fun regardless. If you sort of you know, ignored the girl on girl azn tila tiquilla-esque moments where guys were recording them wet on their cameras, definite college youtube footage. VITAL. (jp) Anyhow, if you want to do something send me an email!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Infected Mushroom in Tijuana
Crowd was roaring, we got close enough to score a hi-five from the lead guy--which I managed. Although a few crowd surfers once planted up on stage were then pushed back off by security it was pretty hilarious to see the girls all excited and grabbing at his leg and steeling the drumsticks out of his hands.
Another funny thing was my age was not even questionable--managed to get a wrist band; although Kenny suffered difficulty in this area. The not shaving for a week trick didn't seem to do him any justice, although in the end it didnt matter we got him in writstband and all; thanks to Karen's angry Spanish aruging skills.
Good night, can't wait to find a music soul mate.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Thank You All
My friend Pico from the Bay Area told me bout Kennedy a fun dance to funk sort of approach to mixin'. You know how hyped people got over Queen? Well combine that vocal feel with Mika's
"Grace Kelly" then slap some funky mixin long with it and tie up your dancin shoes. Thats Kennedy to me, and I dont take it back. Good Stuff. The projects from LA, of course.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
I love you all,
Amanda Schoepflin
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Last year it was comical. To see the hippies dance about.
This year I just might be one of 'em.
It starts at 11am, ends about 4 or 5.
$5, this saturday. Bring a blanket!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Monday, September 8, 2008 (Join the Team!)

I'm starting a website called TheAtomRack. com which is for the promotion of local and introduction of international artists. Show reviews, artist interviews, photos and archives are meant to serve both the fan and the performer/ artist.
The site has a lot of potential to grow to other subjects as well, although our main focus will be band/ and music coverage, we are open to innovative ideas to bring to the table. We will extend our topics to art coverage, fashion reviews/ and event writing, as well as film, once we get going. If you hold any interest in online publication with credit where credit is due. This is your chance!
Positions for reporters are still open but limited, if you have any samples please send my way via email.
Positions on the Atom Team, are accepting Interns, for One: to gain experience in the online publication world for beginning and freelance reporter/ photographer/ and graphic design positions. Two: Learn the process of the music reporting world, as well as interaction and creating contacts with band's/ artists, public relations, managers, and venue's. Three: Allow a place to start a freelancing career either in journalism or photography.
Amanda Schoepflin
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Kathleen Balloon Q&A

Currently recording in the home base of her bedroom, Katherine is putting out her album "Knee Socks and Lollipops" in her own time making sure to include a large variety of special guests within her music. Although she has recorded her song "corney Island" in a dorm room at a University at New York and has plans of recording at a friend's studio Shabbey Road. Recording is the underside of her goals with project Balloon--what she really cant wait for is to get on the road and playing shows.
I lurked her myspace page and dug up a little info on her, then asked for some more. To get to know her a bit more check out our Q&A. Enjoy.
AM:How long have you been doing music?
KB:I have been singing since I was a wee little girl. I sang in choirs and musicals... that sort of thing. I started messing around with the guitar and writing songs when I was 14. Those songs sucked, but I kept going at it.
KB:I sing and play in a heavier rock band, Tsk Tsk, so I needed an outlet for exploring other avenues musically. Some time in 2005 I fell in love and started playing weird chords and singing about sunshine and unicorns and shit, and recorded it all to four-track. Thus Balloon was born.
AM:Where are you originally from? Where did you grow up?KB:I originally hail from mother gave birth to me on an air force base when she was 18. I was moved around a lot due to my stepfather being a fighter pilot. The place that left the biggest impression on me was my great uncle's farm. My brothers and I would climb on haystacks and we'd pick dewberries, which my mom would use to make the most heavenly pies. I would walk in the forest a lot and go fishing in lakes and hang out with the horses. I also lived on this other farm where I had a secret treehouse and a whole lot of land to explore. All the while, I would visit my father in California a lot, and he loved to surf and would always take me to the beach, so the ocean is a big part of my life too. I moved to California when I was 14.
AM:Do you think you had any major influences now or growing up that turned your tastes a specific way when it comes to music?KB:Absolutely. Gospel choirs. Films. I am enamored by the cinema and find a lot of inspiration in that, as well as in the scores. I was also a dancer and choreographer, so that probablyfactors into the music as well somehow. Also, simplicity and authors such as Dr. Seuss stuck with me. And hip hop. Much to my mother's dismay, I started bumping Dr. Dre and 2 Live Crew in the 6th grade.
AM:Do you perform live? If so tell me about the last few places you've done gigs at?KB:Balloon debuted with a live band at the 1269 6th Street Warehouse (in LA), which was an incredible venue and space that I also worked at behind the bar sometimes. I guess it's going down now and that's a damn shame. I believe the last gig I played was either at the Scene with Crystal Antlers, or on KXLU.
AM:What genre would you try to use to explain or describe your music?KB:I have no idea. How would you describe it?
AM:What is most of your music about?KB:Life.
AM:Tell me about your existing album (s)? The tracks that are online.KB:I will be releasing those tracks, as well as some others, on a self-titled album shortly. They were all written between 2006 - 2008.
AM:How do you go about creating that melodic and original hallow-flowing sound, is it where you record? or editing? Are your tracks live? Tell me about your other members.KB:For the songs that are online, that is all me....I've written, played and recorded everything. Sometimes my best friend Nancy plays viola. Oh yeah, this young lad named Henry played melodica and sang for Corney Island in NY. He is a bit of a genius. He is actually going to do a music video for one of my songs. In the past, I would play with a live band, and we'll hopefully record a few songs together in the future, but they're all kind of scattered about. It was pretty free flowing though. I like to experiment. Some of the sounds you may hear on a song are actually my vocals. I sang in my friend Bron's group, Crooked Cowboy and the Freshwater Indians, for a while, and Katy and I would emulate moogs and other things with our voices. It was haunting and ethereal. I actually learned a lot about my pipes from that experience.
AM:Tell me about "Knee Socks and Lollipops"? What is the album all about?KB:I am writing the songs for that as we speak. I actually tend to always wear knee socks, if not leggings, because short socks get on my nerves... and I love lollipops because they keep my hands busy and give me sugar. It's playful, and... weird.
AM:Who are these "special guests" that are starring in the upcoming album?KB:They are some of my really amazing and talented friends. The age ranges from seven to one hundred and one. If I could get an infant to make some noise, that would be sweet.
AM:What are some of your favorite bands/ artists?KB:My favorite groups are the Beatles, Funkadelic, Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, Creedence Clearwater Revival... there are so many, it's hard to narrow it down. My biggest influences are Janis Joplin, Stevie Nicks, Odetta, Bessie Smith, Mama Cass, Nick Cave, Tom Waits, Dr. Dre and Andre 3000.
AM:Do you implement any specific mind frame within your music whilst writing or composing? (what is most of your music about)?KB:No, nothing specific....I just climb into the corners of my imagination. I'll write when I'm moved, inspired, or broken. Sometimes I'll come up with a melody or a lyric when I'm walking the dog or taking a shower. Lyrically, I love metaphors. Ya never know what a button or a rocket ship might really be.
AM:Do you hold any other occupation, or are you full time artist?KB:I am a writer, and every now and then I am a nanny or behind a bar. As my friend Calixto said (when he was my manager at the Scene Bar), I am "insubordinate". Tis true. I can't stand working or having someone else tell me what to do. I do like working with youth and/or education, because that never gets boring. I used to have this amazing job in the fashion industry but I had to give it the heave ho because being in an office all day took the color away from my cheeks and I ended up a lifeless, blue little bunny. If you're not loving life, you have to figure out what makes you happy and get to it.
Katherine's tour is of now unannounced, but in due time will kick off, for right now she plans to simply write, record, play then tour. Look out for her, keep yourself posted.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Obama '08 Art for Change in Normal Heights

Thursday, September 4, 2008
Lestats Friday
Check out his web page, I LOL'd, what a funny guy.
3343 Adams Avenue
"In the heart of Normal Heights"

Okay so I went to see this guy, and the majority of his performance was auto loop, he reminded me of Elliot Smith a tad, but I think if he just played his CD and sang the songs on a stage, he must of been working hard in the studio, cause the tracks sound good. I don't know maybe I'm old fashioned but when go to see a show I'm going to see them show their stuff. Agh. My review: if you like his music download it keep it on your ipod. There is a song about cutting a bitch's finger--it's worth it for that alone.
Talented guy.
His eyes in this photo, pierce me like I'm sinning against the lord himself. LAWL