Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Things Moving Quickly

Currently Listening to Radicalfashion ^ worrying my head away so much is going on in my life. I'm about to start at UT (Union Tribune), I have found a sound engineering internship with George Varga (Music Head @UT) for his weekly webcast called "Fill In the Blank", a music talk radio-hosted by AmplifySD on their website made to introduce local talent to San Diego. That's the biggest thing going for me since I'm in my last week of school here and about to graduate--n grow up like a big kid now. Also have to worry about moving, which is happening for my family now & for me this August in with a good friend of mine.

I'll be going to City and we'll see what comes of that--I've heard nothing but good things when it comes to their radio classes and graphic design dep.

Girl Talk played at UCSD Fri the 15th at their yearly Sun God Festival, (which my friends and I missed just by a thread! By the time we got in there he was already done!! :[ ) Although another act which i cant remember the name right now I think it was something by the name DVC, After checking the set list they actually were sort of the filler act with over what seemed to be 12+ djs all trading laptop/ mixer times. They were pretty fresh especially when they incorporated some live violin within the mixes. It was fun regardless. If you sort of you know, ignored the girl on girl azn tila tiquilla-esque moments where guys were recording them wet on their cameras, definite college youtube footage. VITAL. (jp) Anyhow, if you want to do something send me an email!

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