Sunday, August 31, 2008

Whats up?

The other night, In the heat of the moment, I didn't even think twice about going to the car to get my recorder, but i did see the show, what could be seen since it was so packed and kids were climbing on the stage almost completely hiding Matt and Kim.

A lot of peepz came out, but that was a weird show for me the entire time I felt like i was high...I was getting weird for only sleeping two hours the night before.

So last night Matt and Kim was awesome, as for today I met some kidz in Oceanside to see tropic thunder which btw, is one of the most intensely hilarious to any extent of which our minds can fathmon movies I've seen. All tyler could say was that he couldn't accept the fact that it was actually the Scientology God Tom Cruise dancing to Ludacris at the end. I actually thought he wasn't too bad at it. Judge for yourself. But once you see Tom Cruise on BET, you know thats the end.

So, anyhow, today's train ride was the best, that route accompanied by music always nearly brings tears.

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